I am nearing the end of my first week on Weight Watchers. I have to say, no matter what the scale says tomorrow morning, I'm proud of my accomplishments (don't get me wrong - that scale better show a loss!!). Anyway, I've been good all week. I've stayed within a few points of my daily target - only using a few of my weekly allowance of "splurge" points. Dieting in a large office environment SUCKS! There is always food around, and it's usually not the healthy variety. Just this morning, there were Chick-fil-A chicken mini's in the breakroom. How am I supposed to turn those down? There has to be a way to lower the fat and calories in a sausage biscuit though - I'm really gonna miss that if I have to give that up! I have discovered this week WW Ice Cream and these little chocolate cake things that look like a zinger. Yum Yum. I bought the WW cheese and that is a HUGE help to track the points. Its seems to taste OK, I'm going to try the mozzarella cheese on a pita pizza tonight, so more news on that later.
I haven't told my husband what I weigh. As a matter of fact, I haven't told anyone other than the lady that checks my weight at WW what I weigh. Maybe when it's all said and done, I'll inform others how much I lost! I input my information at the WW online site and my BMI # is in the obese range. Obese? How did that happen? But I realized that obese people have an increased risk of heart disease (which runs in my family anyway) and diabetes (also runs in my family). And, I'm tired of being tired! I'd like to do more and be active for my boy, so let's pray that I continue to do well on WW.
I'm still knitting dishcloths. A couple of friends have been crafting and so I'm going to stockpile a few cloths in the event they do a craft show. I'd love to see how they do. I'm not sure if anyone has an interest in them or not - we'll see.
congrats on taking the big step, girl! you can do it! from what I understand, WW is one of the best because you can still eat what you want within reason. plus, its a bonus of working where you do because lots of other people are doing it too and you can get support (I hope!!) Gidget had that same epiphany a few months ago when at a doctors visit she saw her weight on the scale and just about passed out. She has been doing well, working out etc. YOU GO GIRL!!!