Lately, Cooper hears me stirring around early in the morning, and usually, as soon as my fanny hits the couch with my coffee and knitting, I hear him "mommy, mmmoooommmmy". This morning, we just sat and played. For several months now, we have to take Cooper's "baby" (the hippo named Speckles) everywhere we go - and we certainly can't take a nap or go night-night without him. At the Company picnic, Cooper got a Dr Pepper monkey. And now, Baby and Monkey go everywhere. Baby is still the favorite, but Monkey is a close second. This morning, Baby and Monkey kissed!! It was very sweet.
Cooper is constantly doing something new that amazes me every day. Since the day he came home from the hospital, I have rocked him and soothed him by singing "You are my sunshine". It worked like a charm for some time. Before Cooper could communicate well, I would still sing that song to him and when he didn't want to calm down or go to sleep, he would put his hand over my mouth to stop me from singing so that he wouldn't have to sleep (or maybe it's because I sing poorly - and he's a baby genius!). Lately, he loves to sing songs (I sing loudly and poorly and he smiles and asks for more!). I sing the ABC Song, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and of course, You Are My Sunshine. Last night, I asked him to sing it by himself, and right on cue he sang, "dible dable my sunshine, mine sunshine, um hatty, labe labe gay". Well, I jumped up and applauded like he had just received a The Noble Prize! I was just about the proudest mommy in the world! And then just this morning (as I do every morning) I ask Cooper to tell daddy good morning - and today - on cue - he said "mornin daddy". Again, I was the proudest mama!!
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