Man have I been lazy! I can't seem to get it together to blog a little bit here and there. Oh well, I don't report to anyone so it doesn't matter to anyone other than me.
Lots and lots has happened since my last post - I have applied for another job within the company and didn't get it. But I have applied for another one and hope to hear something within a couple of weeks. I joined Toastmasters to assist me in speaking in front of others. And the big one - I am going back to school in the fall. I tend to resist change and all this back-to-back change may overwhelm me a bit, but I am going to bite the bullet and embrace it. It's all exciting and terrifying at the same time.
My first prepared speech is August 11, and I start school in September, so that gives me a little break in between big events (won't know about the job for a bit). But more about the job...I just applied a week ago today. On Monday of this week a couple of people came up to me and asked me if I applied for the job. I was encouraged but inquired about how these people would know. It seems the hiring manager is asking EVERYONE I may know about me. I haven't been talked about this much behind my back since high school!!
Speaking of high school, it dawned on me this week that my 20 year reunion is next year!! I need to get on the ball and loose some weight if I want to look good! I can't believe it's been almost 20 years already. I don't feel that old!